HR System

Evaluation System
At Seoyon E-Hwa, we conduct fair and transparent evaluations from multiple angles, such as objective performance evaluation using the MBO model, individual effort and potential in the process of reaching the goal, and organizational evaluation that extends to a macro view of not missing the forest for the trees.
Organizational Evaluation
In addition to individual evaluation, we conduct organizational evaluation from a management perspective.
Individual Evaluation
Performance Evaluation
We conduct evaluations using the Management by Objective (MBO) model.
Subordinates decide their goals in consultation with their superiors, and the superiors evaluate them objectively based on their performance. -
Competency Evaluation
In addition to performance management, we conduct evaluations of individual potential.
In addition to objective performance, items such as voluntary competency development efforts, sincerity, and the cooperative spirit of organizational members are evaluated using random multifaceted evaluations.
Compensation System
To ensure that employees who achieve high performance are properly compensated, differential compensation is provided according to their contribution level, and appropriate rewards are given according to suggestions for excellent ideas for organizational development or achievements to improve job commitment.
Annual Salary System and Performance Compensation
We operate an annual salary system above the manager position to ensure fair compensation according to individual contribution, such as differential performance distribution according to individual ability and performance.
In-house Reward System
By operating regular reward systems, employees who set a good example for others, employees with outstanding achievements, and suggestions for excellent ideas are presented with citations and valuables to inspire reward and pride.
Promotion Point System
In order to operate a fair and reasonable promotion system, we are operating a promotion point system. Breaking away from the seniority bonus, which is promoted only after a certain tenure or years of service, points are earned according to performance and competency, and promotions and roles are fairly granted to employees with high performance and competency.
Talent Development
In order to “nurture automotive experts with integrated thinking and a global mind of the highest level,” we are operating an independent HR Development Center and Technical Training Center to provide abundant support to improve the capabilities of our employees.
HR Development Center
The Seoyon E-Hwa HR Development Center is equipped with lecture rooms including accommodation facilities and provides training for new hires/leaders/common competency.
Technical Training Center
The Technical Training Center provides training for the purpose of improving the technical competency of the employees of Seoyon E-Hwa/affiliates/partners.
Seoyon E-Hwa is conducting various education programs to nurture global talents who will lead the future, centering on the Human Resources Center and the Technical Education Center.
Adaptation for New Hires/Experienced Hires
For new/experienced hires who are starting a job as a Seoyon E-Hwa member, we conduct vision and talent/organizational introduction/process/leadership/on-the-job training for 1-2 weeks to improve organizational adaptation.
Leadership Development
Various leadership training is being conducted to improve R&R as senior/junior managers/working staff based on the leadership pipeline.
Through 1:1 mentoring activities with new hires and senior employees, we are doing our best to improve organizational adaptability and expand human networks.
Job Competency Development
Various job technical training courses such as cost/injection molding/CATIA/process are operated by our excellent in-house instructors, and we are supporting the development of job competency in the field.
Basic Competency Development
We provide training to our employees on matters fundamentally necessary for job performance as an organizational member, such as negotiation/conflict management/reporting/coaching/organizational understanding.
Expat Nurturing
We are nurturing excellent overseas personnel through various methods and support such as training courses for overseas expatriate candidates/pre-appointment/after returning/overseas transfer.
At Seoyon E-Hwa, we pursue the work-life balance and happiness of our employees by operating various welfare programs.
Flexible Work System
With a flexible work system, individual commuting and work hours are flexibly managed to maximize work efficiency and realize Work and Life Balance.
Those who work hard deserve a vacation! We provide adequate rest and compensation with a separate summer vacation (once a year) and leave pay, as well as rest for the mind and body exhausted from work with a refresh system.
Support for Education of Children
We provide support for early childhood education and admission fees, and for children in high school and university, we provide full tuition support. We also have daycare centers available at some workplaces.
Housing Stability Support
We provide housing purchase and lease funds for employees' housing stability. We also operate an in-house labor welfare fund to provide emergency living expenses.
Health Examinations and Medical Expenses
For the health management of employees and their families, regular health examinations are supported, and medical expenses for diseases and injuries of employees and their families are partially subsidized.
Congratulates and Condolences
Congratulations and congratulations allowance, equipment, and leave are available in the event of congratulations and condolences of employees, such as weddings, funerals, etc.
Summer resorts are operated for free, and resort accommodation is provided.
In-house Clubs
For work-life balance, we operate in-house clubs and support activity expenses.
Various Conveniences
For the pleasant working life of our employees, we operate an in-house cafeteria and support the commuting bus and fuel costs for commuting. In addition, long-term service rewards and overseas training are supported, and various gifts such as for birthdays are provided.
Improve work efficiency and realize a Work & Life Balance by introducing a work system that allows you to work and vacation at the same time where you want.