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Prize news Ryu, Yang-Seok, "Korea's Best Management Award" in the Social Contribution Management division
Date 17-01-19 20:55
Views 3,138
Ryu, Yang-Seok, "Korea's Best Management Award" in the Social Contribution Management division
- Make a way and bloom in the wilderness -
Ryu Yang-Seok was awarded Korea's Best Management Award in the Social Contribution Management Division at the ceremony for the publication of 'Korea's Best Management Award held at the Millennium Hilton Hotel in Seoul on January 19th 2016.
'Korea’s Best Management Award' was established last year and is hosted by, sponsored by Maeil Business Newspaper, MBN, 'Ministry of Future Creation and Science', 'Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy’ and this award is a result of the contribution to the company growth and various social contribution activities through the global management.
As a part of the mutual growth policy, Seoyon E-Hwa has helped sub sppliers to create jobs by operating a win-win fund. As a result, the number of employees of 14 suppliers has increased by 16.1% over the past five years. In March 2016, Seoyon E-Hwa was selected as 100 Best Companies for creating jobs". Also, in order to encourage academic activities on the development of the automobile industry, '' Seo-Yeon Academy Award” by Korea Automobile Manufacturers Association’ was established and the best papers published in the Korea Automobile Manufacturers Association were awarded by Seoyon E-Hwa.
In addition, Seoyon E-Hwa continues to carry out social contribution activities by returning some of the profits generated to society for regional and national development based on a human-centered management philosophy. The chairman, Ryu, Yang-Seok insists that Seoyon E-Hwa have the gole to be a company that is loved and respected at any time and emphasizes corporate social responsibility, contributes to the happiness of local and society as well as love and respect for stakeholders such as employees and shareholders through external growth. He confirms that Seoyon E-Hwa makes a lot of effort for those goals.